


Representation Details In Memoir Writing

Using representational details in my memoir is imperative because I am reconstructing the scenes going back as far as over a hundred years. It is a huge challenge for me to transport the reader to an era which would be…

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Confronting The Cults

It’s a Sunday morning and I give myself a stretch to scroll down the twitter feed on my phone. Firstpost’s tweet “Ram Rahim convicted of rape, followers abandon crumbling Dera empire and return to Sikhism” counts up the ongoing mental…

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Anyone Waiting For You, Mr. Postman?

Amongst the scanty daily post delivered to my office [usually registered official letters], a small postcard was received. The fazed glassy-eyed receptionist carried the insignificant looking dispatch to my office, handing it to me rather apologetically. I’m guessing, she was…

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I thought it was endured by the weak and the infirmBut I’ve had the strength to wink at it, the tireless years confirm Another astray belief- it homes well with just the ineruditeBut despite my academic schooling, I’m yet another…

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A Writer’s Refuge From Unrequited Love

I”ll turn, all you were to me, in a story someday;Relive the throbs of pain you put my heart through;Smirk at the radiant smiles you once lit up my soul with;Voyage back in time, to the endless years of trustful…

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